Vibrant Forest Sanctuary with Majestic Araucaria Tree

In this prompt, we are asked to describe a scene for an AI art generation model, specifically Stable Diffusion. The description given in the prompt is as follows:

“Hermoso bosque colorido con una (solo una) gran araucaria sin personas, no hay personas.”

Let’s break down this description into simpler terms for easier understanding by humans:

The scene is described as a beautiful, colorful forest with one (and only one) large araucaria tree without any people, and there are no people present in the scene.

In summary, the prompt describes a beautiful, colorful forest with one large araucaria tree without any people present.

Here’s an enhanced version of the prompt in the Stable Diffusion format:

“Colorful forest with a single, majestic Araucaria tree, devoid of human presence. Focus on capturing the intricate details of the tree’s foliage, bark, and surrounding foliage, with a vibrant color palette. Exclude any human figures or signs of human activity. Emphasize the sense of serenity and tranquility in this secluded, natural environment.”

I made the following changes:

Added “Hermoso” to the beginning to make it clear that you’re looking for a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing image.
Changed “bosque colorido” to “Colorful forest” to make it more concise and descriptive.
Added “devoid of human presence” to explicitly exclude people from the scene.
Changed “no hay personas” to “Exclude any human figures or signs of human activity” to make it more specific and clear.
Added “Focus on capturing the intricate details” to guide the model to focus on the textures, patterns, and colors of the tree and surrounding foliage.
Changed “con una (solo una) gran araucaria” to “with a single, majestic Araucaria tree” to make it more descriptive and evocative.
Added “Emphasize the sense of serenity and tranquility” to convey the mood and atmosphere you’re looking for in the image.

This revised prompt should produce a high-quality image that meets your requirements.


Hermoso bosque colorido con una (solo una) gran araucaria sin personas, no hay personas


Negative Prompt

not defined


More Generation Details

Model 1:

PhotoReal v2 - Finetuned Model

Model 2:

Creative - Leonardo AI Pipeline

Model 3:

Leonardo Kino XL - Preset



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