The Dark Sentinel of the Shadow Realm Awakens

This prompt describes an atmospheric scene featuring a dark hooded figure. The figure is dressed in a tattered cloak, which hides armor underneath. The figure grips a long, ominous scythe with one hand.

The Hood completely obscures the figure’s face, revealing only evil red eyes that glow like fire within the hooded void. The scene is predominantly black and white with red, and shades of gray adding depth and texture.

The background is abstract, filled with wisps of shadows and splatters of ink. Gusts of divine wind swirl around in faint shades of blue. The mystery and foreboding that surrounds the figure is palpable. (The scythe though dark glows brightly due to its deadly sharpness and the magical properties of Niji, aidma-niji, ral-dissolve, and the ink-style, ink_wash_painting..

What a captivating and ominous scene you’ve described! Here’s a more detailed and atmospheric interpretation of your vision:

The Figure

The dark hooded figure stands tall, shrouded in mystery and menace. The tattered cloak hangs loosely around their gaunt frame, revealing glimpses of worn, rusty armor beneath. The hood, pulled low over their face, conceals their features entirely, allowing only the piercing glow of their evil red eyes to peek out. These eyes seem to burn with an inner fire, illuminating the darkness around them like embers from a fiery pit.

The Scythe

The long, ominous scythe held in the figure’s hand appears to be a focal point of dark energy. Despite its dark, weathered appearance, the scythe glows with a faint, otherworldly light, as if infused with malevolent power. The blade seems razor-sharp, capable of slicing through even the thickest of defenses. The glow emanating from the scythe creates an unsettling sense of foreboding, hinting at the figure’s deadly intentions.

The Background

The abstract background is a swirling vortex of dark, inky shadows and wispy tendrils of smoke. The air seems to be filled with the remnants of some ancient, forgotten ritual. Faint, ghostly blue hues dance around the edges of the scene, evoking a sense of divine or mystical energy. The overall atmosphere is one of foreboding and menace, as if the very fabric of reality is being warped and twisted by the figure’s dark presence.

The Color Palette

The dominant colors of the scene are dark, muted hues of black, white, and gray, with splashes of fiery red. The red eyes glow like embers, casting an eerie, hellish light on the surrounding shadows. The wispy tendrils of smoke and the faint blue hues add a touch of mystery and otherworldliness to the scene.

The Art Style

The art style is reminiscent of traditional ink wash painting, with bold brushstrokes and delicate, lacy textures. The use of ink and wash creates a sense of depth and dimensionality, drawing the viewer’s eye into the dark, foreboding world of the figure. The abstract background and the swirling wisps of smoke add a sense of movement and energy to the scene, as if the very darkness itself is alive and in motion.

Overall, your atmospheric scene is a masterclass in evoking a sense of foreboding and menace. The dark, hooded figure is a compelling and terrifying presence, and the abstract background and use of ink and wash create a sense of depth and dimensionality that draws the viewer in.


atmospheric scene, a dark hooded figure wearing a tattered cloak, armor can be glimpsed under cloak, (gripping a long ominous scythe with hand:1.5), The Hood obscures the face completely, evil red eyes glowing like fire within the hooded void, predominantly black and white with red, shades of gray adding depth and texture, The background is abstract, filled with wisps of shadows and splatters of ink, gusts of divine wind swirl around in faint shades of blue, mystery and foreboding that surrounds the figure. (The scythe though dark glows brightly), deadly sharpness, Niji, aidma-niji, ral-dissolve, (ink-style, ink_wash_painting),


Negative Prompt

easynegative, blurry, low quality, deformed, disfigured


More Generation Details

Model 1:


Model 2:


Model 3:

SDXL FaeTastic DetailsLORA0.3

Model 4:

Dissolve Style [LoRA 1.5+SDXL]LORA0.5

Model 5:


Model 6:

NIJI V6 (Midjourney)LORA0.6








DPM++ 2M Karras

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