Finding Home in the Blue Ridge Mountains’ Ancient Heartbeat

This prompt describes a longing to return home to West Virginia, specifically the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah River. The speaker acknowledges the history and age of the land, contrasted with the youth and growth of the speaker. The reference to country roads takes on a metaphorical meaning, representing a return to one’s roots and a sense of belonging.

This is the enhanced version of this prompt:

“Create a serene and nostalgic scene of West Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah River, evoking the sense of belonging and longing for a peaceful place. Incorporate the country roads, old trees, and the miner’s lady’s story, with the misty taste of moonshine and a teardrop in the eye. The atmosphere should be warm and cozy, with a sense of tradition and heritage. Use a mix of earthy tones and soft lighting to capture the essence of this Appalachian haven.”

I made the following changes to enhance the prompt:

Added more specific details about the scene, such as the atmosphere, lighting, and colors, to help the AI understand the desired outcome.
Emphasized the sense of longing and belonging to create a stronger emotional connection with the scene.
Incorporated the miner’s lady’s story to add more depth and character to the scene.
Changed the tone from a song-like narrative to a descriptive passage to better suit the Stable Diffusion AI’s capabilities.
Removed the repetition of the song’s lyrics to focus on a single, cohesive scene.

Also try this improved prompt:

“Imagine a warm summer evening in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia. The sun has set, casting a golden glow over the rolling hills and valleys. A winding country road stretches out before you, lined with ancient trees and the occasional farmhouse. In the distance, the Shenandoah River winds its way through the valley, its gentle song filling the air. A miner’s lady sits on the porch of her cabin, her eyes lost in thought as she gazes out at the moonshine-stilled waters. The air is filled with the scent of fresh-cut grass and the distant tang of coal smoke. Create a peaceful and contemplative scene that captures the essence of this Appalachian haven.”

This improved prompt adds more specific details about the scene, including the time of day, weather, and sensory details, to help the AI create a more immersive and evocative image.


Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads All my memories gather 'round her Miner's lady, stranger to blue water Dark and dusty, painted on the sky Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads


Negative Prompt

epiCPhotoGasm-colorfulPhoto, text, font, signature, logo, artist name, BadX, child, nipples, BadDream, oriental, drawing, painting, sketch, cartoon, anime, decrepit, crumbling, ruins, vaulted roof, bad lines, imperfect details, lighthouse, spires


More Generation Details

Model 1:

Adventure DiffusionEMBEDDING1

Model 2:

BadDream + UnrealisticDream (Negative Embeddings)EMBEDDING1

Model 3:

Juggernaut Cinematic XL LoRALORA0.9

Model 4:

Detail Tweaker XLLORA1.2

Model 5:

epiCPhotoGasm Style NegativesEMBEDDING1

Model 6:

xl_more_art-full / xl_real / EnhancerLORA0.25








DPM++ 2M Karras

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