Building Bridges of Confusion: A Tower of Disagreement

The prompt describes a scene from biblical imagery. At the base of a partially built tower, workers are depicted in a chaotic scene. Their expressions are one of disagreement, as they gesture and try to communicate their confusion and frustration. The tower in the background symbolizes the abrupt interruption of work, adding to the chaotic and disrupted scene.

This is the enhanced version of this prompt:

“A tumultuous scene unfolds at the base of a partially constructed tower, with laborers’ faces contorted in frustration and confusion. Workers’ arms flail in a cacophony of gestures, as they attempt to convey their conflicting thoughts and opinions. The tower’s incomplete structure looms in the background, its abrupt halt in construction a stark reminder of the sudden disruption. The atmosphere is charged with tension, as the workers’ collective energy is stifled by the unyielding presence of the unfinished tower, their usual camaraderie replaced by a sense of discord and disarray. The overall mood is one of turmoil, as the once-unified workforce is now rent asunder by disagreement and uncertainty.”

I made several changes to enhance the prompt:

Added more vivid and descriptive language to paint a clearer picture in the viewer’s mind.
Emphasized the emotions and reactions of the workers to create a more dynamic and engaging scene.
Highlighted the symbolism of the partially built tower to further emphasize the theme of abrupt interruption.
Changed the phrase “symbolizes the abrupt interruption of work” to “stark reminder of the sudden disruption” to make the language more concise and impactful.
Added the phrase “the overall mood is one of turmoil” to provide a sense of atmosphere and mood to the scene.

These changes should result in a more detailed and captivating image that effectively conveys the intended theme and emotions.


biblical images. a chaotic scene at the base of the tower, with workers expressing confusion and frustration. They gesture and try to communicate, but their expressions are one of disagreement. The partially built tower in the background symbolizes the abrupt interruption of work.


Negative Prompt

not defined


More Generation Details

Model 1:

Leonardo Phoenix - Finetuned Model

Model 2:

Alchemy - Leonardo AI Pipeline

Model 3:

not defined - Preset





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